Information for Parents
Congratulations, your student has just made one of the biggest decisions that will now affect the rest of his or her life: choosing to attend Blinn College. This is a decision that not all students make alone. For some students, it’s a decision that was made long before they entered high school, and for some, the decision was something that incorporated input from multiple people. Along with these students is a completely different group, the non-traditional group. This group of students decided on a different route after high school and are now making the decision to obtain a degree.
No matter what group your student falls into, transitioning into college is a life-changing and sometimes overwhelming experience. The transitions and changes that will occur cannot be overlooked and, as a loved one, your support and understanding will play a huge role in your student’s future successes.
What are Parents’ Rights?
Visit our FERPA web page for information on the specifics of the confidentiality and rights of college students. In order for any college official to speak with a parent about their student, the parent’s identification must be clearly made, and we will not discuss students’ records with parents without the students’ written permission.