Student Rights and Responsibilities
After being approved and granted accommodations for your disability, you need to be aware of the rights you have regarding these accommodations. Likewise, you also need to understand your responsibilities that go with the accommodations.
It is your right to have your letter of accommodation (referred to hereafter as LOA) sent to your BUC Blinn email account via Disability Services. You may not need all accommodations for every class, but any professor that you will need an accommodation from must receive the LOA, so you must submit a course schedule.
It is your right not to use your LOA for any class during a semester. This does not affect your right to have accommodations again for any subsequent semester.
It is your right to request adjustments to your LOA regarding the accommodations for which you are eligible. Additions to your LOA must be supported by appropriate documentation.
It is your right to have your disability kept confidential. Disability Services will not share information regarding your disability with any faculty, staff, parent, or other entities unless you have given written permission to do so.
It is your right to have your approved accommodations provided for you free of charge, as mandated in the Americans with Disabilities Act. Disability Services will never charge you for your classroom accommodations.
It is your responsibility to submit the online letter request form each semester. Once this is complete, it is also your responsibility to meet with each professor preferably during the first week of class, or within one week of receiving your Letter of Accommodation if it is during the semester, to review your LOA. The LOA becomes effective once the professor receives it and you have discussed needed accommodations. Accommodations are not retroactive.
Accommodations received in a face to face classroom may not be the same as in an online setting. It is your responsibility to discuss each needed accommodation with your faculty member in order to understand how the accommodation will be provided. Likewise, you may choose accommodations differently based on the teaching method of the course.
It is your responsibility to report problems with professors who are not allowing accommodations to your Disability Services counselor. This must be done during the semester the problem is occurring and not after grades have been given for the course. University policy states that instructors have one week as a reasonable amount of time to implement the accommodations. If this does not occur, the student should contact a counselor in the ODS office immediately.
Attendance: Students' acceptance to Disability Services has no effect on class attendance. All students are required to follow class policy for attendance as outlined on the course syllabus. Although there is no blanket accommodation for missing classes, Disability Services will support you in working with the Dean of Students if there are issues that warrant an alteration in class attendance.
Please be aware that while you can submit the online letter request at any time during the semester, professors must have a week to implement accommodations in the classroom. Submitting a letter request on short notice before exam/finals does not guarantee you will receive accommodations
It is your responsibility to submit the online letter request form that you are going to need accommodations. If you decide to add/delete approved accommodations from your LOA, you will be able to make that choice.
College rights
- To determine the appropriateness of documentation and requests for accommodation on a case-by-case basis, using the professional judgment of the Office of Disability Services.
- To request additional information to determine eligibility for services.
- To share relevant information regarding the student’s disability with those who have a legitimate educational interest.
- To deny a request for accommodation or withdraw an accommodation when a student fails to meet the college’s academic and institutional criteria.
College responsibilities
- To reduce or eliminate physical, academic, and attitudinal barriers.
- To assure that every student receives an equal level of service and expertise from the college, regardless of campus or type of enrollment, by systematizing intra-campus communication and support.
- To serve as an advocate for students with disabilities and to ensure equal access.
- To consult with faculty regarding academic accommodations and compliance with legal responsibilities.
- To develop written policies and guidelines regarding procedures for determining and accessing “reasonable accommodations.”
- To provide services that are based on the institution’s mission and/or service philosophy.
- To prohibit discrimination against qualified individuals with disabilities.
- To assure the safety and confidentiality of all documentation related to student’s disabilities.
Student rights
- To have equal access to educational programs, services and activities.
- To request reasonable accommodations.
- To comply with the guidelines of the Office of Disability Services.
- To be permitted to discuss problems related to his/her accommodation/s with the Office of Disability Services and, if necessary, to seek redress through appropriate administrative channels.
Student responsibilities
- To communicate with the Office of Disability Services to discuss the nature and impact of his/her disabilities.
- To provide notice for all accommodation requests and a class schedule 10 days before the first day of classes.
- To provide appropriate documentation of disability.
- To initiate all requests for services and/or accommodations through the Office of Disability Services.
- To provide for his/her own personal, independent living needs and other personal disability-related needs.
Faculty rights
- Classroom Behavior - All college students, regardless of disability status, must adhere to the Student Standards of Conduct. Infractions of these standards should be directed to the Vice President of Academic Affairs. The Vice President will consult with the Office of Disability Services regarding students with disabilities who violate the Code.
- Written Agreements - Faculty members may request a written agreement before allowing any student to tape or otherwise record a class (Recording Agreement).
- Challenge of Accommodations - A faculty member has the right to challenge an accommodation request if he/she believes the student is not qualified and/or if the accommodation would result in a fundamental alteration of the class.
- Faculty members must consult with the Office of Disability Services, not the student, if there are questions or concerns about designated accommodations.
Faculty responsibilities
- Faculty Notification Form - Faculty should not provide academic adjustments for a disability without an “Academic Accommodation Faculty Notice” produced by the Office of Disability Services certifying the student is qualified to receive services and identifying the nature of the accommodations.
- Referral to The Office of Disability Services - If a student notifies a faculty member that he/she has a disability or takes documentation to the instructor, it is the faculty member’s responsibility to refer the student with his/her documentation to the Office of Disability Services. If a student is not performing up to standards and the instructor thinks the student may have a learning disability, he/she should refer the student to the Office of Disability Services for consultation.
- Faculty should not provide academic adjustments for a disability without an Accommodation Letter produced by the Office of Disability Services certifying the student is qualified to receive services and identifying the nature of the accommodations.
If you have note-taking assistance as an accommodation, you must attend class and be attentive. You do not have the right to copies of notes from a class for which you were absent. Power Point slides and fill in the blank note packets are approved supplemental note taking accommodations. Please remember, these are supplemental notes and you are required to still take your own notes. If you do not attempt to take notes, you are not eligible to receive the supplemental notes.
If you require an alternative test location or extra time on examinations, your exams will be sent to the Learning Center. If the Learning Center is chosen, then it is your responsibility to arrange for this accommodation and follow their requirements. The Learning Center is a separate department and has specific procedures that must be followed. Be sure to make note of their due dates for testing forms, and if you do not meet the deadline you will be ineligible to take your final in the Learning Center. Additionally, you must communicate with faculty members in relation to coordination of testing, and your LOAs must be in place prior to testing with the Learning Center. Be sure to double check with the Learning Center office to ensure delivery of your test prior to testing time, and communicate with the Learning Center staff if any test dates change.
Books and Other Materials in Electronic Format:
If you have textbooks or other documents that need converted into an electronic version, this material must be delivered to the SDS office at least one week prior to the date needed. Material brought in less than 7 days before needed cannot be guaranteed to meet the requested deadline. If a textbook is being scanned, a receipt showing purchase of the book must be provided along with the scanning request. Disability Services will make a copy of the receipt and attach it to the request form. The original receipt will be returned to the student. It is also the student's responsibility to pick up textbooks and/or other materials from ODS upon completion. The ODS staff will provide the student with instructions for downloading.
For Interpreter Services:
Requests for interpreter services should be completed immediately following registration for classes to ensure this accommodation for the first day of class. Students must also request LOAs prior to interpreters being present in the classroom. Interpreters are available for meetings with instructors to discuss accommodations, but you must request in advance by contacting the ODS.
By signing this document, you are aware of your Rights and Responsibilities, including your responsibility as a student to monitor your Blinn BUC email for alerts from ODS as well as other campus departments. If you have any problems in delivery of accommodations or the process of being accommodated, please provide Disability Services immediate notice.
For interpreters or transcription services to be in place the first day of class during a Fall semester (August – December), requests must be received by July 15th; for the Spring semester, (January – May), requests for these services must be received no later than November 15th. For these services to be in place the first day of class for a May minimester, summer session I or II, requests must be made by April 1st. For a December minimester, requests must be made by November 1st.
The following rules apply to students who are permitted to test in the Office of Disability Services.
- Students must inform their professors if they intend to take tests, including pop quizzes, in Disability Services.
- Students must contact Disability Services at least three days in advance to schedule tests. Drop-in testing is not permitted.
- The following information must be provided when scheduling your test: course name, course number and section, class days and time, and instructor’s name.
- Students must inform instructors of scheduled Office of Disability Services test dates.
- Students must arrive on time to take tests. Students arriving more than 15 minutes late will be considered “no show”. Testing materials will be returned to professors.
- Tests are not rescheduled due to lack of preparation time, etc.
- You cannot use auxiliary test aids such as calculators or formula tables unless authorized by your instructor or Disability Services.
- You must turn in your test at the allotted time.
- Students are expected to abide by the Student Standards of Conduct when testing. Cases of scholastic dishonesty will be reported to your professor.