Classroom Accommodation Checklist
Presenting Letters of Accommodation (LOAs) to Instructors:
Step 1: Submit the online accommodation letter request form. In order to receive letters, you must be approved by ODS and complete the intake process. Please refer to the section - How to Request and Receive Accommodations for instructions.
Step 2: Meet with each instructor and discuss needed accommodations for that particular class. Do not try to discuss the letters with your instructor before or during class. Make an appointment with each instructor.
Step 3: Follow up with lab teachers, discussion leaders, multiple instructors, or exam proctors to make sure all accommodations are taken care of.
Setting up Testing Accommodations:
Step 1: Return your signed accommodations letters to the Disability Services Office.
Step 2: Submit your course syllabi to the Office of Disability Services and set up an appointment with our testing coordinator (if proctoring in Office of Disability Services).
Step 3: Remind instructors for each exam/quiz/final to submit your test to the Office of Disability Services or the Learning Center (depending on where you take your exams) or adjust time for online proctored exams.